Java- script is a case-sensitive language.Ģ 2 Creating functions in JavaScript A function is a self-contained unit of a program that perform a specific is an independent part of a program which is executed when it is called.a function is often referred to as a black box.normally functions are placed in the HEAD tag of HTML. JavaScript ignores spaces, tabs, and newlines that appear in JavaScript programs. First JavaScript Script document.write('welcome to JavaScript') Note:- We use Notepad for creating the above script and save the file with extension.html or.htm. Example: The document.write ( ) function The function document.write which writes a string into our HTML document.
Tag The tag is used to include(embed) script in an HTML page.the Language attribute of tag specifies the type of scripting language used. JavaScript was first known as LiveScript. JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich.It is ssupported by almost all web browsers. 1 1 Chapter 6 Client Side Scripting Using Java Script Java Script Java script is a client side scripting language used to validate is embedded in HTML document.the tag is used to include scripts in an HTML page.